Guide to (Best 3rd party external trading platform for Warframe players) – (2024)

Alright, so as many of you probably know was recently overhauled for the better – making it less laggy, more efficient, more user-friendly and just simply better all around.

Which means this article is due for an update to match the updated since this article was written initially for the old So here we go :P

Alright so is a mustto have if you are a player in Warframe. Basically what you want to do if you’re new to – and never before have used is to visit their website, and go to the upper-right hand corner and choose “sign in” to then click on a button with the option to Register.

You will then be redirected to a page asking for email and password, enter these and press “Join”. You will then be redirected once again to your freshly created account page this time, where the first thing you must do, is to verify your account name – which is what makes their service so great. Because this ensures that you as well as every other person having items to trade have a verified username in-game in Warframe, so you can write to them directly with ease via just copying name from website or using the in-game messaging function which generates a chat whisper command for you to copy and paste directly from the website (new addition since 2.0).

You verify your in-game account name for Warframe on by following their instructions that you can see on the page you got redirected to. They will tell you to:
visit ,
go to the forum, has a bot there called WarMarketMan – you have to compose a message to that bot saying exactly what their instructions say and after a short while hopefully you will be verified and can move along to use their amazing service to gain some nice in-game platinum without having to pay any real-life money if you don’t want to :)

Before you post an order – go to’s marketplace and search for the item to find out what the current prices that are published are, that way you can adapt your price after the current market and economy of the game as well as to your own preferences.

My philosophy when pricing items on is usually based on how quickly I’m in need of platinum – or if I have time to wait. Patience can pay off on because a lot of people sometimes add items way too underpriced and the best thing then is to move onto another item to focus on selling and wait them out because sooner or later they usually run out of items. Their loss that their price was majorly underpriced – usually however they don’t care.

If however you have time to wait for platinum and not in dire need of it right away – then you have the option of adding an item for the price you yourself deem a worthy price for the particular item you try to sell – sometimes the people trading in the market is just completely duped into adapting their prices wrongly based off of someone putting up way to underpriced items (or overpriced ones – but then it’s often good for your economy instead of bad :P). This can often be detected if you analyze the 20-30 first orders of a specific item and see how the prices sway and sometimes if you do this – you will notice 5-10 first orders are batcrap crazy low, whilst from 11-100 orders price is in a completely different price range. But it’s ultimately up to you to make your own determinations and make a decision you feel comfortable and happy about :)

If I want to sell things quickly I usually put 1-2 platinum below the current marketprice since it doesn’t usually make that much of a difference, but if you notice very competitive price-changes for a specific item, try putting 3-4 plat below the price if you really need quick platinum and want a quick sale. Although have it as a Rule of thumb to NEVER put items up on for prices 2 platinum or below… it’s simply not worth the time or the amount of trades you have available in-game!

You add “orders” on the Marketplace tab at the bottom left by entering item name, quantity (if a mod they ask for its rank) and what price you wish to sell it for. Once completed it will be officially published to the trading platform and you can review your post as well as edit them under the “My Orders”-tab.

Once the verification of your in-game warframe account is complete and you want to start adding orders for your marketplace, you can see a orange circle in the bottom-right corner saying “Place order”. Press this and the following “popup” will show:

Guide to (Best 3rd party external trading platform for Warframe players) – (1)

You select whether you wish to place order to sell or to buy, write the name of the item to trade – once you start typing their auto-complete function will kick in with suggestions (very useful – saves a lot of time and helps with hard-to-spell items), then you set a price per unit and how many units you wish to sell of that particular type – if a mod you can also set what rank the mod is.

Once an article has been added you can review it on “My Profile” menu alternative from the homepage.

If you are like me have TONS of orders placed (I am Contributor of so that I get to have unlimited amount of orders to place + I love the service they provide and want to help them improve it), they have a nifty Search function for your orders to quickly find the price of something if someone reached out to you asking the price (which I never will understand since they found my name right next to the price on the website? but whatever I guess xD). It has come in very handy for me a lot of times so far.

On your profile you can also find a cool “Sold” button on each of your orders which will help track the amount of platinum you have collectively sold items for via

Another great thing about this feature is the fact that if the order is for a Mod that you have multiple duplicates of, pressing the “Sold” button will automatically decrease the amount of Mods of that particular type by 1 so you can keep track of how many have been sold and how many you have left to Sell! :D Very nice if you ask me ;)

There is also an option to edit an exisiting order by pressing the “Edit” button, doing so will show following interface:

Guide to (Best 3rd party external trading platform for Warframe players) – (2)

As you can see here, they will show you current prices for the item on so you can alter the price accordingly if you wish to, you can also choose if you wish to “hide” the specific order chosen from other traders eyes by pressing the “Invisible” button. And you can obviously alter mod rank, quantity as well as price per unit as was to be expected :)

Next to the “Edit” button you can find a trash can icon to delete specific orders from your profile if you no longer wish to have it. 2.0 added a function that makes it possible to “Rate” traders by how good service they provide and if they were helpful, friendly, etc. By being able to “Upvote” traders that provided a good overall trading experience.

This is common courtesy(!) in my book and if you have a trader who is effective, fast, helpful and friendly – do them the honor of giving them an Upvote to show others that they provide a good service.

Right now it seems the upvote system is a bit un-userfriendly in the way that you have to enter the Traders profile to actually write a review for them to up their upvote rank by +1. But if you feel like doing it, this is how to :)

At the bottom of the pages of you will find a “switch” with offline/online, switch this to online when you’re ready in-game to receive trades and messages. Because how the system works is your orders will be published amongst everbody else for that same item name and if someone enters and searches that particular item, and see your in-game nick as seller for it – they will either PM/message you in-game or on the site (if on the site message will sound a notification noise as well as popup in your marketplace inbox called “messages”).

In the top-right corner of the new 2.0 you can see your in-game name and a status message, this is where you can select if you are online only on the website, in-game or if you are invisible (meaning no traders can see you or your orders as active).

I have some tips n tricks for all of you that are using (2.0).

Don’t underestimate “normal” mods to sell on

Normal mods can be worth way more than you give them credit for or could ever imagine – with my Rule of thumb in mind not to ever put anything out on for 2 platinum or less, I went through my entire Mod collection (took a few hours ;P) but looked up each and every one of my mods and their individual worth on at the time, and placed orders for each one I found to be worth 3 platinum and above (surprisingly a lot of people who buy “normal” mods for platinum).

To do this I had to become a contributor to though since they had a restriction for how many orders could be placed by “regular” users, by becoming contributor I got access to unlimited amount of orders to place which is quite nice and for a good cause for the developers as well :)

Anyhow – if you have the time, do this to check and see the individual prices of mods that you have because many of them will be worth more than you could imagine probably – I apparently myself had tons of mods for 8 plat and above per mod – and I had like 14+ of these. Which results in quite nice sums of platinum once all have been sold – and the more expensive the mods are – the more popular they usually are and the faster they get sold as well :)

Just beware that putting up mods for 3 platinum per mod and selling one mod per time will consume 1 of your daily trade charges each time, and if you have for example an item worth 35 platinum and you sell 10 separate mods for 3 platinum each, you might have run out of your daily amount of trades available, and you only earned 30 platinum totalthat day, compared to 1 trade might earn you 35 platinum in comparison – so this is something to keep in mind how you spend the amounts of daily trades you have available!

But in lack of prime parts to sellyou can probably see the appeal of putting up “normal” mods for trading for all of you hesitant to try it out check out my order stats below for my main account:

Guide to (Best 3rd party external trading platform for Warframe players) – (3)

Look at that /IN SALES tab… At the time of taking this screenshot, I only had Mods for sale :P It adds up to quite a bit now doesn’t it ;) So in lack of other items to sell – definitely try selling your duplicate normal mods! I strongly recommend it! :)

Place underpriced Buy orders to get cheaper items you want/need

This is a bit of a amoral way of getting cheaper stuff in warframe – personally I don’t like doing this, but Buy orders are usually used by sellers that quickly need platinum desperately and cannot wait for buyers to contact them but want to immediately sell off their merchandise – which makes me feel a bit sorry for them – on the other hand – a lot of people doing this are higher-level players that don’t really care, or lower-level players that doesn’t know any better :/

So this is a way to get underpriced items – sometimes you can make real bargains with this purchase method but don’t underprice too much since that might mean no one will ever contact you – and if they ever do – it’s just bad form towards another player.

This method can also be very useful in case someone f**ked up the priceranges on the sell orders – happens sometimes that someone buys up the entire stock of a popular item just to put it out there for way higher than it actually should be sold for – very rare but it happens. When it does, Buy orders might be what you’re looking for :)!

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Guide to (Best 3rd party external trading platform for Warframe players) – (2024)


What is the alternative to Warframe market? ›

The closest competitor to warframe. market is To understand more about warframe. market and its competitors, sign up for a free account to explore Semrush's Traffic Analytics and Market Explorer tools.

How to start trade warframe? ›

Enter the Dojo and approach and use the Trading Post. Select the player you wish to trade with from the list of available players. Once both parties have picked the items they wish to trade, players can "Ready" for the trade and "Confirm" it or back out/make changes.

Where do people trade on Warframe? ›

"- Trading is done within the Dojo at a Trading Post or in Maroo's Bazaar. - You can invite non-members of your clan to your Dojo to trade.

Where is the market in Warframe? ›

"Market" = Buying stuff from the game (Market is on your ESC menu). "Trade" = Swapping items with other players (which include Platinum, the IRL currency of Warframe) = Trade Chat; trading occurs only in two places — a player's Dojo (in a Clan) or at Maroo's Bazaar orbiting Mars.

Can you get banned for trading Warframe? ›

There's theoretically scenarios where you can get in trouble if the other person's account has some administrative lookings going on, or if warframe believes you to be doing something against ToS based on the types of trades, but, that's rare, and, for any kind of trading.

Is cross-platform trading in Warframe? ›

*PC accounts can automatically trade with players on other platforms — provided that both players still have Cross Platform Play enabled in their settings and that any non-PC player trading with them has a Cross Platform Save Account.

What does WTB mean in Warframe? ›

Wtb- Want to buy. Wttf- Want to trade for. Lf- looking for.

Do you need 2FA to trade in Warframe? ›

In addition to increasing security around access to your PC account, TennoGuard 2FA is required to trade in-game items with fellow Tenno in Warframe! You are also able to change the email associated with your account yourself through the Account Management page.

Can you trade in Maroo's Bazaar? ›

To initiate trading, press Q or down on the D-pad in console to enable Vendor Mode (same menu for Emotes and Gear Wheel). After selecting the items to trade, a list of them will be visible above the player's head. Interested parties can then press X to initiate a trade with you.

Can you gift platinum Warframe? ›

You will be prompted to choose a recipient from the Friends/Clan/Recents lists or may enter an Alias to send to. You will also be able to send a short message with your Gift if you would like. Platinum will be deducted from your account after successful delivery of your Gift.

What does PMO Warframe mean? ›

PMO in Warframe stands for 'Private Message Only. ' It means the player wants any replies or offers sent directly through private messages rather than in the public chat.

Do people use the Warframe market? ›

market is the most popular one. It still has to follow all the warframe guidelines so is just acts as a hub and makes you do the trading in-game rather than trying to use bots or third party software controlling to initiate the actual trade.

How do you farm stock in Warframe? ›

Stock is obtained from completing Break Narmer's bonus challenges. Rewards are one-time per week, resetting on Monday 00:00 UTC; a total of 105 Stock is obtainable per week. Stock can spawn in Break Narmer missions as a pickup, appearing as a blue crate each awarding 2 Stock.

What is Gauss Prime good for? ›

Gauss Prime possesses the fastest Sprint Speed of all Warframes at 1.5. As with any other Prime Warframe, moving close to the location of an Orokin Void Death Orb will restore a pulse of 250 Energy to nearby allies, even if that Death Orb is inactive, destroyed, or non-present. This effect can only occur once per orb.

Is Warframe worth it without spending money? ›

Warframe is 100 percent worth it, especially considering it's entirely free. Sure, you can spend real money to unlock stuff, but Warframe Market lets you trade pretty much every item with other players. Price aside, Warframe has a borderline overwhelming amount of content.

Where to buy stuff in Warframe? ›

You go to the market, click on whatever item you want to buy, and buy it. You can buy things with platinum (usually not worth it, especially for weapons and warframes) and blueprints with credits. You can sell items by going to Esc > Equipment > Inventory > Click Item > Sell.

Is there any game like Warframe? ›

Borderlands 3 is, in many ways, the dystopian first-person version of Warframe. While Warframe has more melee weapon variety, Borderlands 3 has a more developed loot system unique to each player. Players see the same loot items as other players. If an item drops, both players can pick up one of two identical items.

Can you make real money with Warframe? ›

If you're selling vaulted items or desired Rivens and using Warframe. market (it's a site, third party auction house, basically), you can easily make a couple of thousand per hour. Depends on what you're trading, of course, and whether or not you have things that people want.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.