Medical and Health Services (2024)

The University Health Center provides high-quality, cost-effective health care and wellness programs in order to promote the health of the university community and support academic success.

Primary Care
The University Health Center’s Primary Care department offers general medical services including routine physicals, evaluation of non-emergency medical concerns, and follow up appointments for chronic medical conditions. UHC also offers walk-in services to patients without an appointment and who are suffering a medical emergency. Services include:

  • Walk-In Care offers same-day appointments for urgent conditions.
  • PEP and PrEP - “Post-exposure prophylaxis,” PEP is an HIV prevention strategy in which HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications after coming into contact with HIV to reduce their risk of HIV infection. “Pre-exposure prophylaxis,” PrEP is an HIV prevention strategy in which HIV-negative people take an oral pill once a day to reduce their risk of contracting the HIV infection.

The pharmacy offers services for students, faculty, staff and their immediate family members. Services include:

  • Prescription services and refills.
  • Discounted over-the-counter medications.
  • Medication consultations.
  • Emergency contraception (Plan B).

Lab Services
The Laboratory processes a wide variety of test requests from University Health Center providers and, for a nominal administrative fee, from non-University Health Center medical providers. Some tests are performed in the laboratory and some are sent to designated reference laboratories. No appointment required.

X-Ray Services
Offered at the Health Center to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of a student’s illness or injury.

Immunization Clinic
The University Health Center offers routine immunizations such as MMR, Meningitis, Tetanus/Diphtheria, Tuberculosis skin testing, Hepatitis B, Chicken Pox and Flu vaccines.

Men’s Health

  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections
  • Annual physical examinations
  • HPV vaccines

Women’s Health

  • Annual gynecological exams
  • Breast health
  • Colposcopy
  • Contraception (Birth Control)
  • Pregnancy testing and counseling
  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections
  • HPV vaccines

Transgender Healthcare

  • The University of Maryland Health Center provides hormone therapy for gender confirmation procedures and/or treatments.
  • Health Care includes Behavioral Health Services, Informed Consent and Medical Care.

To meet the health and wellness needs of all campus community members, the University Health Center offers many programs and services, such as:

  • Primary Care
  • Stress management
  • Acupuncture and massage
  • Behavioral health
  • Substance use support
  • Transgender healthcare
  • Free sexual health consultations and STI Testing

International Travel Clinic
The University Health Center offers an International Travel Clinic to prepare students who are traveling abroad. The clinic provides necessary vaccinations and preventative medications.

Allergy Clinic
The Allergy Clinic administers allergy injections to students under the direction of their allergist or another physician. Allergy injections are administered by appointment only.

  • The University Health Center does not perform initial allergy testing or administer the initial allergy serum at the start of desensitization, but will administer injections thereafter.

Acupuncture and Massage Therapy
Acupuncture and Massage Therapy provides certified and skilled treatments that promote health and healing in mind, body and spirit for the purposes of client relaxation, stress management, and the treatment of some health conditions.

  • Acupuncture
  • Massage
    • Swedish massage
    • Deep tissue
    • Stretching

Behavioral Health Service
The University Health Center Behavioral Health Service offers confidential, high-quality and convenient services for University of Maryland students. Services include:

  • Urgent Scheduled Crisis Intervention:Acute assessment of urgent concerns, including:
    • Feeling suicidal
    • Panic attacks
    • Can’t function
    • Acute stressor
    • Concerned about a friend or student at risk
  • Medication Management:The Mental Health Service provides assessment for medication needs, ongoing medication management, and psychotherapy when needed to accompany medication management.
  • ADHD:The Mental Health Service provides medication management and limited group therapy for students already diagnosed with ADHD, and who are not able to be seen off campus. They do not do assessments or diagnosis of ADHD. Individual psychotherapy is also available.
  • The University Health Center provides support for students struggling with eating concerns, body image and/or excessive exercise. Support will vary depending on the nature of the student’s concerns and will comply with the American Psychological Association Level of Care Guidelines.
    • For students with stable eating disorders:
      • Brief psychotherapy
      • Psychiatric medication management
      • Referral to the Counseling Center Eating Disorders Services for group therapy
      • For students with active or unstable eating disorders and/or unstable medical condition:
        • Referral to intensive treatment
        • Referral to primary care for medical assessment
      • Campus Resources

    Substance Use Intervention and Treatment and Referral
    The Substance Use Intervention and Treatment staff will meet with any registered student who has concerns about their own alcohol or drug use, or anyone who has concerns about substance use by a friend, roommate or loved one.

    • Assessment and Referral:Students meet individually with a professional counselor to discuss concerns about their use of alcohol or other drugs.
    • Counseling:The outpatient counseling program has been established to provide college student services including:: individual counseling, group counseling, campus and community referrals.
    • Healthy Terps:Participants will complete a brief online alcohol screening before attending a 30 minute individual appointment to discuss their personalized feedback and how their alcohol and/or tobacco use is impacting their life.
    • Marijuana Follow Up:Participants will complete two brief online marijuana and alcohol screenings before attending a 60 minute individual appointment to discuss their personalized feedback and how their alcohol, marijuana and/or tobacco use is impacting their life.
    • Substance Assessment and Intervention Program:The early assessment, intervention and education program is intended for students who have been charged with alcohol or other drug-related violations of campus judicial policy or state law, other than DUI or DWI.
    • Drug Testing:Drug testing services are available for those individuals who request drug testing or are required to be drug tested (by the court system, employers, attorneys, treatment providers, or the Office of Student Conduct).
    • Consultation:Confidential consultation services are provided via phone and in-person meetings.
    • Drop-In Recovery Space:(located on the ground floor) The Recovery Lounge (Drop-In Space) is available every Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm to students in recovery, who can use the area to connect and support each other as well as to relax and unwind from their stressors in an undisturbed and substance-free space. The lounge is also home to monthly social events (hosted by Terps For Recovery) that includes breakfasts, coloring, craft projects, and more.
    • Naloxone Education/Training:The University of Maryland Police Department are trained to recognize opioid overdose and provide naloxone to students who might need it. Officers on patrol carry Naloxone in accordance with Prince George’s County’s protocol. In addition, the University Health Center has more than 15 staff members trained to recognize and respond to opioid overdose. Most are also preparing to provide training to groups of interested students, staff, and faculty. Trainings will be readily available for interested groups and individuals by fall 2019; a revised pilot training program is being developed in spring 2019.

    Suicide Prevention
    The University Health Center offers online training through Kognito for students and staff who want to learn more about helping a friend in distress.

    • Kognito:These interactive online modules help students, faculty and staff learn to identify and talk to students and peers exhibiting signs of distress and motivate them to seek appropriate help. Possible signs of distress include depression, anxiety, PTSD and thoughts of suicide.
    • Kognito simulations offered for students:
      • At-risk
      • Veterans on Campus
      • LGBTQ on Campus
    • Kognito simulations offered for faculty & staff:
      • At-risk
      • Veterans on Campus
      • LGBTQ on Campus
    • Consultation:Confidential consultation services are provided via phone and in-person meetings.
    • Professional Presentations:For a professional staff presentation, program, interview, or consultation regarding stress, mental health, or wellness programming or outreach, members of the community can contact the Stress Management and Mental Wellness Programs Coordinator.

    Health Promotion and Wellness Services
    The Health Promotion and Wellness Services unit at the University Health Center empowers students with resources and opportunities so they can reach their maximum potential. Available resources include:

    • Peer Programs and Presentations:
    • Alcohol and Other Drug Education
      • Alcohol and Marijuana 101
      • Alcohol and Marijuana 201
    • Sexual health education
      • Safer Sex 101
      • Safer Sex Games
    • Stress Management and Mental Wellness
      • It’s Time to Talk about Mental Health
      • Self-Care Starter Kit
    • Meditation Podcasts

    Alcohol and Other Drug Education
    Through peer-to-peer education and outreach, comprehensive programming, and by providing support and access to resources, the Alcohol and Other Drug Education program empowers students to make safer decisions that will enhance their academic and personal success.

    • Consultations:Individual consultations with a health educator are available to address issues related to substance use: harm reduction strategies, advice on how to help a friend, or getting the most up-to-date information about alcohol or other drug-related topics.
    • Presentations:The Alcohol and Other Drugs Education Unit offers both peer educator and professional staff presentations.
    • Online Courses:
      • AlcoholEduempowers students to make well-informed decisions and provides some simple strategies to help keep you and your friends safe.
      • Prescription Drug Course is a new online training program designed to empower students with the skills and knowledge they need to make safe and healthy decisions about prescription drugs using an evidence-based, public health approach.

    Nutrition Services
    The University Health Center Nutrition Service unit empowers and supports members of the University of Maryland community with the knowledge and skills needed to make and implement healthy nutrition choices today and for a lifetime.

    • Registered Dietitian: The Registered Dietitian Consultation service includes Medical Nutrition Therapy (diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, digestive issues) using a holistic, non-diet approach to nutrition and health.
    • Peer Nutrition Coaching Services: The Nutrition Coaching team consists of undergraduate dietetic students supervised by the UHC Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist. The coaching service offers clients support, encouragement and guidance in reaching general healthy eating goals, based on the USDA Dietary Guidelines.

    Sexual Health
    The Sexual Health program encourages sexual health and wellness by providing education, support and resources for the campus community. Services include:

    • STI/HIV Testing Options
      • Free Testing Options
      • HIV Testing ONLY - Lab Walk-Ins
      • Free STI Testing Consultation
    • Birth Control Services
      • Free Birth Control Consultations
      • Birth Control and Emergency Contraception Services
      • Pregnancy Testing
    • Free Sexual Health Supplies
      • For individuals:
        • Condoms
        • Insertive FC2 condoms
        • Lubrication
        • Safer sex kits
        • Abstinence kits
      • For RAs, groups and events, the University Health Center offers free bulk packs of safer sex supplies.
    • Presentations

    Stress Management Resources
    The University Health Center offers free services, programs and events for students aimed at reducing stress. Students can also meet with a health educator to better understand their individual sources of stress, their own body’s stress response and ways to manage stress.

    • Stress Management Consultations:Individual consultations with a health educator are available to address issues related to stress. Appointments include identifying sources of stress, learning ways to manage stress, goal setting and skill-building.
    • Wags for Wellness:Wags for Wellness sessions feature registered therapy animal teams. Each team consists of at least one dog and one human. Each of the volunteer teams has been trained by People. Animals. Love. (PAL) to provide a person in need with love, connection, companionship and stress relief. Therapy dog visits serve as a great outlet for emotional wellbeing while connecting with other loving pets for our students who may be missing their childhood or family pets.
    • Relaxation Training:Students can meet one-on-one with a health educator to discuss specific mind and body concerns and practice relaxation techniques. Some of the techniques covered during the appointment include: deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery. The relaxation techniques teach students how to better cope with daily stressful situations. Biofeedback is used to show immediate results after practicing relaxation techniques.
    • Presentations:The Stress Management unit offers both peer educator and professional staff presentations.

    Thriving Thursdays
    The University Health Center provides weekly tabling and community outreach that offers information about navigating stress, sex and substances.
    Peer educators are available to the community to answer wellness questions. This info booth is designed to engage and educate community members at all knowledge and comfort levels.
    Educators answer any questions students have related to mental health, sexual health, alcohol and other drugs, and bystander intervention. If peer educators can’t answer student questions, they direct them to someone who can.

    Campus Advocates Respond and Educate to Stop Violence (CARE)
    Campus Advocates Respond and Educate (CARE) to Stop Violence provides free, confidential advocacy and therapy services to primary and secondary survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and sexual harassment, while simultaneously empowering the campus community to prevent violence through educational presentations, events and outreach activities.

    Medical and Health Services (2024)


    What is the role of a medical and health services manager? ›

    Medical and health services managers oversee the planning and operations of health care facilities like hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. Rather than providing direct patient care, health care managers ensure that health care facilities operate efficiently so that other health care professionals can do their jobs.

    What is the difference between health and medical services? ›

    Medical care focuses on treating illness and injury, while health care focuses on preventing illness and promoting health. Doctors and other trained medical professionals provide medical care. In contrast, various professionals can provide health care, including doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and fitness instructors.

    What are the four major types of health services? ›

    The healthcare system offers four broad types of services: health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and rehabilitation. Health promotion services help clients reduce the risk of illness, maintain optimal function, and follow healthy lifestyles.

    What is the difference between health and healthcare? ›

    Health is a much broader concept: in the words of the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health care is a means to an end, and health is that end.

    What is the meaning of health service management? ›

    Public Health Specialist. Published Oct 29, 2023. Health service management is the application of management principles and practices to the delivery of health care.

    What is defined as medical services? ›

    Medical Services means any maintenance care of, or preventive care for, the human body, or care, service, or treatment of an illness, dysfunction or injury to the human body.

    What is the difference between health services management and healthcare administration? ›

    Healthcare management focuses on overseeing the direction of a healthcare facility or system, organization-wide initiatives, and “big picture” needs, while healthcare administration focuses on individual departments and budgets, day-to-day operations, and staffing.

    Is medical the same as healthcare? ›

    Medi-Cal provides benefits similar to the coverage options available through Covered California, but often at lower or no cost to you or your family. All of the health plans offered through Covered California or by Medi-Cal include the same comprehensive set of benefits known as "essential health benefits.”

    What is the most common kind of health service? ›

    Primary care clinics

    One of the most popular types of clinics are those that focus on primary care. Primary care clinics cover a wide range of routine and preventive healthcare services, such as: annual physicals. laboratory testing, such as blood tests and urine tests.

    What does HMO mean in insurance? ›

    A type of health insurance plan that usually limits coverage to care from doctors who work for or contract with the HMO. It generally won't cover out-of-network care except in an emergency. An HMO may require you to live or work in its service area to be eligible for coverage.

    What are the 6 levels of health care? ›

    Accordingly, there are six levels of the traditional healthcare system in the US: preventive, primary, secondary, tertiary, restorative, and continuing healthcare. A nurse must understand how the healthcare industry organizes and provides services within these levels of care.

    Is health and medicine the same? ›

    In medicine, the focus is on the individual patient, within the context of family and community. In public health, the focus is on the health of populations, with the expression of illness found in the lives of individuals.

    What is considered a health care worker? ›

    The field includes those who work as a nurse, physician (such as family physician, internist, obstetrician, psychiatrist, radiologist, surgeon etc.), physician assistant, registered dietitian, veterinarian, veterinary technician, optometrist, pharmacist, pharmacy technician, medical assistant, physical therapist, ...

    What all is considered healthcare? ›

    The term healthcare setting represents a broad array of services and places where healthcare occurs, including acute care hospitals, urgent care centers, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, specialized outpatient services (e.g., hemodialysis, dentistry, podiatry, chemotherapy, ...

    What are the important responsibilities of a healthcare manager? ›

    Medical and health services managers set and carry out policies, goals, and procedures for their departments or facilities. Their duties include hiring, scheduling, and evaluating staff; monitoring compliance with state and federal guidelines; and developing reports and budgets. Responsibilities may vary by employer.

    What is the role of medical management? ›

    Responsible for providing leadership, direction, training, and management for medical operations. Provides strategic expertise and guidance, and has increased accountability. Management level roles have the management and development of people as a major accountability and have direct reports.

    What is the role of the health services manager quizlet? ›

    Define the role of the health services manager. Plans, direct, supervises and coordinates the delivery of health care. The title includes specialist who direct clinical departments or services and generalists who manage an entire facility or system.

    What is the role of a service line manager in healthcare? ›

    Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with physicians, patients, employees and community representatives as required. Manages and leads projects and programs through all stages – planning, development, implementation and financial implications.

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    Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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    Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

    Birthday: 1993-03-26

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    Job: Administration Developer

    Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

    Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.